——Publication Guidelines——
Publication Opportunities:
♦ Abstract ProceedingAccepted presented abstracts will be included in the abstract proceeding. The abstract proceeding is just for academic exchange during the conference time without being published openly. Full and improved papers based on the abstract could be submitted elsewhere for further publication.
♦ Conference Proceeding indexed by Ei/Scopus etc.
♦ International Journals indexed by SCI/ISI etc.
Selected full papers based on scope and peer review results will get published in international Journals. Some of the journals are listed as below:

Annals of Microbiology
Springer, JCR IF= 3.168
ISSN: 1590-4261(Print) 1869-2044(Online)
Publication Type: Special Collection
Indexed by: SCOPUS, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch) etc.
Springer, JCR IF= 3.168
ISSN: 1590-4261(Print) 1869-2044(Online)
Publication Type: Special Collection
Indexed by: SCOPUS, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch) etc.

Green Processing and Synthesis
De Gruyter, JCR IF: 3.97
ISSN: 2191-9550(Online)
Publication Type: Special Issue
Indexed by: EI, SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded), SCOPUS etc.
De Gruyter, JCR IF: 3.97
ISSN: 2191-9550(Online)
Publication Type: Special Issue
Indexed by: EI, SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded), SCOPUS etc.

Open Chemistry
De Gruyter, JCR IF: 1.977
ISSN: 2391-5420
Publication Type: Special Issue
Indexed by: SCOPUS, Medline, Web of Science - Science Citation Index Expanded etc.
De Gruyter, JCR IF: 1.977
ISSN: 2391-5420
Publication Type: Special Issue
Indexed by: SCOPUS, Medline, Web of Science - Science Citation Index Expanded etc.

Applied Rheology (IF: 1.355)
ISSN: 1617-8106
Publication Type: Regular Issue
Indexed by: SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Web of Science - Science Citation Index Expanded etc.
ISSN: 1617-8106
Publication Type: Regular Issue
Indexed by: SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Web of Science - Science Citation Index Expanded etc.

Agronomy (OA,MDPI, JCR IF: 3.949)
ISSN: 2073-4395; CODEN: ABSGGL; JCR-Q1 (Agronomy)
Indexed by: Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), AGRICOLA, AGRIS, and many other databases
More publication opportunities, kindly contact info@abbconf.org for details.
Processing Procedure and Status in the online system:
After the paper/abstract is submitted, you could check the status of your paper via the online system or confirm with the conference organizing committee. For your reference, below are indications about the status shown in the system:
1) Paper Submitted: Authors submit paper(s) via the online submission system and will get a paper ID (ABB****), kindly take record of this paper ID for further correspondence;
2) Pre-review: Editor performs an initial technical criterial check (manuscript scope, structure, adherence to the submission instructions, language usage and novelty), called "Pre-reviewing" in one week.
3) Looking for reviewers: For qualified pre-reviewed papers, review invitation would be sent to expert team for further review on overall quality, experimental design, statistical analysis, practical application etc. Reviewers could choose to review the paper via review system as well.
4) Peer review (First Round of Peer Review): As long as two or more reviewers accept to review the paper, the status will change to Peer-review. Normally the review process will take 4-8 weeks.
5) Author to modify: Editor will send the review reports to authors for manuscript improvement once at least two constructive review reports are received. Author will be required to revise manuscript and update the revised version via login the submission system within 7-20 days;
6) Second round of peer review: Returned revised papers would be sent to original reviewers for further review if necessary.
7) Accepted full paper: Full paper confirmed accepted for publication by related editor, the status will be accepted full paper. Acceptance notification will be sent to the corresponding author and the registered author.
8) Accepted abstract: Abstract confirmed accepted for presentation by the committee, the status will be accepted abstract. Acceptance notification will be sent to the corresponding author and the registered author.
9) Final decision by E-I-C: After completing registration for accepted full paper, the status will be Final decision by E-I-C;
10) Ready for attendance: After completing registration for accepted abstract, the status will be Ready for attendance;
11) Rejected
12) Withdrawn
13) Out of topic
14) Final proof before publication
15) Author to recheck
16) Processing publishing agreement
17) Scheduled for publication: Papers submitted to the Publisher for Publication arrangement;
18) Published
19) Indexed